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Dogs trained Military police and fire brigade

The children realize that there is a very strong friendship bond between the dog and his driver, where the dog is driven under voice command. One of the great curiosities of children is to understand how it settles.


The training of dogs is playful way, involves games how to play ball, race and another series of actions for which they look for objects and substances, developing the scent. This technique aims to keep the dogs ready to act on security, defence, custody, protection, policing and faro. The animals are rewarded, usually with toys, thus fulfilling the tasks.


Until the 6 months dogs just play, then become daily practice and 2 years old, already with a strong trust relationship with your trainer, are ready the rescue in the rubble. Most dogs bark signaling to your driver when they find a victim. A rescue every bark!

In the first 3 months of the Cubs, firefighters observe if dogs like to play ball or if you prefer bite toys or wipes:

Who choose the ball will be trained by ARCON method that teaches dogs searching for fractions of odor.

The one who like to bite will receive teachings based on the K-SAR method specific to rescue dogs, search for bodies.



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  • (11) 2971-9033
  • (11) 2950-9053
  • (11) 3881-9806
  • Parada Inglesa-São Paulo – SP
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